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Banco BBA Argentina S.A
BBVA Asset Management Argentina S.A PSA Finance Argentina Compañía Financiera S.A Rombo Compañia Financeira S.A. Volkswagen Financial Services Cía Financiera S.A. BBVA Consolidar Seguros S.A Consolidar A.F.J.P S.A. (en liquidación) Interbanking S.A. Play Digital S.A. Openpay Argentina S.A.
100% 50.00% 40.00% 51.00% 12.22% 53.89% 11.11% 11.57% 13.001%
  • Subsidiaries
  • Joint Ventures
  • Associates

BBVA Asset Management Argentina S.A.: BBVA Asset Management Argentina S.A. is the mutual fund administrator of Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.

PSA Finance Argentina Compañía Financiera S.A.: PSA Finance is primarily engaged in granting secured loans for the purchase of new Peugeot, Citroën and DS vehicles, as well as in arranging financial lease agreements. PSA Finance is also engaged in financing the purchase of second-hand vehicles to customers referred by networks of the aforementioned brands’ official dealers, and in supplying other financial products and services associated with the purchase, maintenance and insurance of vehicles, within the territory of the Argentine Republic. Additionally, the company has recently entered into a business known as “floor plan,” which consists of financing the vehicle stock to the official network of Peugeot, Citroen and DS dealers in Argentina.

Volkswagen Financial Services Cía Financiera S.A.: Volkswagen Financial Services Compañía Financiera S.A. (VWFS) is primarily engaged in the business of granting secured loans for the purchase of new Volkswagen cars and offering wholesale financing to VW Group’s dealers for the purchase of cars from the manufacturers. VWFS is also engaged in financing the purchase of second-hand vehicles and in providing financed maintenance, all within the territory of the Argentine Republic.

Consolidar A.F.J.P. (undergoing liquidation proceedings): On December 4, 2008, Law No. 26,425 was enacted, providing for the elimination of the capitalization regime that was part of the Integrated Retirement and Pension System, and its subsequent merger into and replacement with a single pay-as-you go system named the Argentine Integrated Retirement and Pensions System (SIPA). Consequently, Consolidar A.F.J.P. S.A. ceased to manage the resources that were part of the individual capitalization accounts of affiliates and beneficiaries of the capitalization regime of the Integrated Retirement and Pension System, which were transferred to the Guarantee Fund for the Sustainability of the Argentine Retirement and Pension Regime as they were already invested, and the Argentine Social Security Office (ANSES) is now the sole and exclusive owner of those assets and rights. Based on the foregoing and taking into consideration that it was impossible for Consolidar A.F.J.P. S.A. to comply with the corporate purpose for which it was incorporated, the Unanimous General and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on December 28, 2009, resolved approve the dissolution and subsequent liquidation of that company effective as of December 31, 2009, as they considered that decision was in the best interest of the company’s creditors and shareholders. To date, Consolidar A.F.J.P. S.A. is still undergoing liquidation proceedings.

Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A.: Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A is the main finance company of Renault’s network of dealers, both for new and second-hand vehicles. Amidst strong competition, the company managed to improve its market share and positioning, thanks to the substantial contribution of secured loans from its finance company.

BBVA Consolidar Seguros S.A.: BBVA Consolidar Seguros S.A. operates in the following lines of business: Fire, Comprehensive and Combined Household Insurance, Theft, Personal Accidents, Group Life Insurance, Credit Life Insurance, Funeral and Other Coverage.

Interbanking S.A.: As a member and shareholder of Interbanking S.A., together with seven other leading Argentine banks, the Bank offers an electronic communications system which enables its customers to optimize their banking transactions. The Bank’s corporate customers can connect to the service from their personal computers at any time and review their accounts at any member bank, send messages, transfer funds, make electronic wage payments, supplier payments and tax payments, and display market data. Through Interbanking, the Bank offers distinct electronic products for each segment of its corporate clientele and processes online transfers, allowing debit and credit transactions to be settled automatically and to be reflected in the relevant accounts in real time.