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The capital stock of BBVA Argentina includes 612,710,079 ordinary shares, 66.55% of which belongs to Grupo BBVA.

The shares trade at the local market through Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos (BYMA) (BCBA: BBAR) where BBVA is one of the oldest institutions, and since December 27th 2017 at the Mercado Abierto Electronico (MAE). It is also listed in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) since 1993 under the ADS’s program (NYSE: BBAR). Also, since December 1999, it also trades at the Mercado de Valores Latinoamericanos de la Bolsa de Madrid (LATIBEX) (LATIBEX: XBBAR).

Free Float 26.31%

As of 4Q24