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Supervisory Commission

Name Position Term Expiration
Vanesa Claudia Rodriguez Regular Statutory Auditor 12/31/2024

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: Senior Lawyer at Biscardi & Asociados; is in charge of the corporate law area of ​​the firm. From that position, he advises firms such as Compañía de Alimentos Fargo S.A., GDC Argentina S.A., Pandurata Argentina S.A., Daikin Air Conditioning Argentina S.A. (among others), in all matters related to corporate advice for companies. She worked at the Sáenz Valiente & Asociados Law Firm as a lawyer, and later as an associate, advising clients such as Grupo Clarín, Cablevisión S.A., Artear and AGEA, among others. Mrs. Rodríguez graduated from the National School of Commerce of Formosa with the title of commercial expert and later graduated as a lawyer at the Universidad Católica Argentina with diploma of honor. He made a specialization in Corporate Law at the Universidad Notarial Argentina, also pursuing postgraduate degrees at UADE and at the Universidad Católica Argentina. She also completed the Master of Laws at New York University (NYU), being admitted to practice law in the state of New York. She is a Professor of Private International Law at the Universidad Católica Argentina and UCES, a professor in Compliance specialization courses and a member of the Institute of Private International Law of the Bar Association of Buenos Aires.

Gonzalo J. Vidal Devoto Regular Statutory Auditor 12/31/2024

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: In 2002, he joined the law firm Cárdenas Cassagne & Asociados until 2009. From 2009 to 2012, he was a semi-senior lawyer at Biscardi & Asociados. In 2012, he was appointed lawyer in charge of the litigation area and became a partner to the law firm in 2017. He has represented and given legal advice to several clients, including: Banco Superville; RCI Banque (Argentine Branch); Böehringer Ingelheim; Bridgestone Firestone Argentina; Gas Control S.A; Cía. General de Combustibles; Editorial Perfil; Kodak Argentina; Bimbo de Argentina; Renault Argentina SA. He is currently a regular member of the Supervisory Committee at: Banco de Servicios Financieros S.A; Banco BBVA Argentina S.A; BBVA Broker S.A; BBVA Consolidar Seguros S.A; Centro Automotores S.A; Centro del Norte S.A; Consolidar AFJP S.A; Cormasa S.A; Courtage S.A; Orazul Energy Generating S.A; Orazul Energy Southern Cone S.R.L; Metalúrgica Tandil S.A; Plan Rombo S.A.; Renault Argentina S.A; Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A; Santista Argentina S.A; V.T.V. Metropolitana S.A; V.T.V. Norte S.A.; Vientos de Dorrego SAU. He is currently a deputy member of the Supervisory Committee at: Volkswagen Financial Services Compañía Financiera S.A; Orazul Energy Cerros Colorados S.A; Industrial Asset Management Sociedad Gerente de Fondos Comunes de Inversión S.A; Consultatio Asset Management Gerente de Fondos Comunes de Inversión S.A. Mr. Vidal Devoto graduated at St. Brendan´s College. Then he studied law and Graduated at Universidad Católica Argentina

Julieta Paula Pariso Alternate Statutory Auditor 12/31/2024

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: partner of Biscardi &Asociados; Senior associate to the firm Estudio Arrizabalaga, Biscardi & Asociados; A Legal assistant and semi-senior at Deloitte, Touche & Tohmatsu (Argentina). Ti Gives contractual, business and banking advice to the following companies: RCI Banque (Financiera de Renault Argentina SA); Editorial Perfil S.A.; GDC Argentina S.A.; Pandurata Argentina S.A.; Hoteles Accor (Sofitel, The Brick); Daikin Air Conditioning Argentina S.A. She is currently a deputy member of the Supervisory Committee at: Banco de Servicios Financieros S.A; Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.; BBVA Broker S.A; BBVA Consolidar Seguros S.A; BISCARDI& ASOCIADOS SRL; Centro Automotores S.A; Centro del Norte S.A; Consolidar AFJP S.A.; Consultatio Asset Management Gerente de Fondos Comunes de Inversión S.A; Cormasa S.A; Courtage S.A; Daikin Air Conditioning Argentina S.A; Inc S.A; Industrial Asset Management Sociedad Gerente de Fondos Comunes de Inversión S.A; Industrial Valores S.A; Metalúrgica Tandil S.A; Orazul Energy Generating S.A; Orazul Energy Cerros Colorados S.A; ORAZUL ENERGY SOUTHERN CONE S.R.L; Plan Rombo S.A. De Ahorro para Fines Determinados; Renault Argentina S.A; Rombo Ahorro S.A. De Ahorro para Fines Determinados; Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A; Santista Argentina S.A; V.T.V. Metropolitana S.A; V.T.V. Norte S.A; Volkswagen Financial Services Compañía Financiera S.A. Mrs. Pariso graduated at Instituto Angel D´Elía. Then she became a Lawyer graduated with Honors, with a major in Business Law from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She also holds a degree in Private Law from Universidad Austral.

Marcelino Agustín Cornejo Regular Statutory Auditor 12/31/2024

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: Partner at Biscardi & Asociados Law Firm, Associate and formerly Senior at Biscardi & Asociados Law Firm; Academic Director of the Diploma in Public Management UNAB; Constitutional Law Teaching Assistant; Legal representative at Estudio Arrizabalaga, Biscardi & Asociados; INSSJP Legal Technical Secretary. He currently holds the position of regular member of the Supervisory Committee at: Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.; BBVA Broker S.A; BBVA Consolidar Seguros S.A; CONSOLIDATE AFJP S.A. (on sale); Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A; FARGO FOOD COMPANY S.A. He serves as deputy member of the Supervisory Committee in the following entities: Volkswagen Financial Services Compañía Financiera S.A; PSA Finance Argentina Compañía Financiera S.A. Mr. Marcelino Agustin Cornejo studied Law with a focus on Public Administrative Law at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, completed a master’s degree in Economic Administrative Law (UCA) and obtained a specialization in Constitutional Law (UCASAL).

Lorena Claudia Yansenson Alternate Statutory Auditor 12/31/2024

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: senior lawyer at Biscardi & Asociados, in charge of the firm’s labor law practice, giving advice to several companies, such as Bimbo de Argentina S.A., GDC Argentina S.A., Pandurata Argentina S.A., Daikin Air Conditioning Argentina S.A., among others, on individual and collective labor law for the prevention and resolution of conflicts; senior lawyer at De Diego & Asociados S.A., giving advice to several customers, including INC S.A., ADECCO, Kraft Foods S.A., Telecom Argentina S.A., and Grupo Consolidar; paralegal tasks at several law firms, particularly, in the field of labor law. She is currently a deputy member of the Supervisory Committee at:: Banco de Servicios Financieros S.A; Banco BBVA Argentina S.A.; BBVA Broker S.A; BBVA Consolidar Seguros S.A; Centro Automotores S.A; Centro del Norte S.A; Consolidar AFJP S.A; Cormasa S.A; Courtage S.A; Orazul Generating S.A; Duke Energy International Southern Cone S.R.L; Inc S.A; Metalúrgica Tandil S.A; Plan Rombo S.A. de Ahorro para Fines Determinados; Renault Argentina S.A; Rombo Compañía Financiera S.A; Santista Argentina S.A; V.T.V. Metropolitana SA; V.T.V. Norte S.A. MS Yansenson studied at Escuela Técnica ORT, and graduated as Computer Technician. Then she studied and received her law degree at Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Magdalena Laudignon Alternate Statutory Auditor 12/31/2024

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: Lawyer in the Litigation/Litigation sector at Biscardi & Asociados; Independent lawyer at private law firm; Paid intern at Covelia S.A.. Miss Laudignon received a Bilingual Bachelor’s degree with a Humanities Orientation from Highlands School; She later received her law degree from the Argentine Catholic University. Also at the Universidad Católica Argentina he completed a Master’s Degree in Civil Property Law.